Language Sensei

A Language Teacher's Journey

April 2, 2016
by leesensei

Building Student Responsibility For Learning: Pre-to-Post Oral Activity Ideas

The ideas in this post deals with oral interpersonal activities in my classes. However I think many of them can be used for presentational and interpretive activities as well. One of the big things that I have learned, and continue … Continue reading

April 6, 2015
by leesensei
1 Comment

“What Was Your Challenge? How Did You Overcome It” – Student Responses and What I Learned…

In my last post I wrote about my goal of ‘traction’ for my students. But the key for me is “Is the lesson on how to communicate/what to do if there are challenges?” getting through. My Year4’s do a group … Continue reading

March 17, 2015
by leesensei

Reflecting on Reflecting in the MFL Classroom

I didn’t start out with a conscious ‘plan’ to build a reflective classroom. Honestly early in my career my goals were all about ‘grammar-based’ linguistic elements. But somewhere along the way (as my teaching changed) it crept in – and … Continue reading

June 26, 2014
by leesensei

Developing A Reflective Classroom (End of Year Reflection Part 2)

In my previous post I wrote about the “choice” that I am trying to inject into my classroom. If choice is key – then it seems that I also need to make sure that what I’m doing in class, the … Continue reading

March 10, 2014
by leesensei
1 Comment

“Today I took a risk and….” Asking for Student Self Reflection

  We often tell students what we value in the classroom but how do we know the message is getting through? How do they interpret what I am trying to get them to be: risk-takers, supportive classmates, inquisitive learners? I … Continue reading

January 1, 2014
by leesensei

Language Sensei: Most Popular Posts of 2013

Language Sensei is a forum for me to explore both teaching an MFL (modern foreign language) and work to integrate/explore technology both in my classroom and for personal development. It has been my project for the past 2 (almost) years … Continue reading

December 3, 2013
by leesensei

Taking the Time to Ask “How’s it going?”

As teachers we’re often so concerned about finishing a class in time that sometimes we forget how far we have come. This year has started a new emphasis for me on reflective learning. As I take the time reflect on … Continue reading