Language Sensei

A Language Teacher's Journey

Tagging with Evernote – No spray paint required!


This is one in a series of posts on my year-long Evernote experiment.

I have used a multitude of systems over the years to try to keep track of useful online resources. From catchy bookmarked titles, to stand alone  web-based. Many of you probably use similar tools. But somehow I would also lose track of things. Perhaps the breadcrumbs I left to find them (“what title was that?”). For me Pearltrees seemed to be a solution for a while. But I got tired of arranging, and rearranging content in “trees”. One of the reasons that I first ever looked at Evernote was a colleague talking about the ability ‘clip’ websites to “tag” them.  Suddenly I had a system at my fingertips that worked like my brain did (and my sometimes faulty memory).

Multiple Tagging  – “Didn’t I see something to do with Twitter tools for educators?” – Answering the question is easy with the tag search ability. I am able to type in my request in my account and find it. I think that I will probably reorganize tags at a later date but they reflect the ‘big areas’ that I am thinking about.” I like that I can go back at a later date, find the article, and then visit it directly – or send it on to someone else.

Clipping right from my browser – the WebClipper utility is great. I use it for both Firefox and Chrome. Just hitting the button next to the URL and ‘saving & tagging’ at the same time is so fast. When I clip the site – I tend to clip the URL more that the article (the default)

Modifying the title of the tagged site – I often modify the title of the clipped site to help me remember why I saved it. Generally the titles of the articles are self-explanatory but I do like being able to alter at will.

Our school, like many, can sometimes fall victim to a student’s need to ‘tag’ a wall or spot. But for me tagging is a great way to remember why I found something interesting – and remember it several ways.  Even if you don’t use Evernote for anything else – the tagging option may be of use to you.




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