Language Sensei

A Language Teacher's Journey

Why I’m your Tweep…


When colleagues, who know I am on Twitter, ask about it the first question is always “why?”. After expounding on the benefits that a PLN brings the next question is inevitably “who?”. The people I follow is been a rather short  list – one that has changed since I began this process. Whenever I  stop following someone it has only confirmed for me why I follow others. So why am I your Tweep?  I’m yours because:

Your Tweets have a Clear Focus: You know why you Tweet and have a common theme for them. I know that when I see one from you it will fit one, or two categories that interest me. You are not all over the map in terms of topics. That being said an occasional ‘left field Tweet’ can be really interesting. I know then why you are important in my PLN and why role you play sustaining it.

You Tweet Professionally:   Twitter has a bad ‘rep’ for mundane, self-focused, ‘too much information’ sharing. I follow you because you use your account professional purposes. Sure, every once in awhile I like the personal touch. It lets me see the ‘who’ behind the profile. Essentially, however,  I am there to share and learn in a professional environment.

You Tweet Regularly:  Twitter is to me a ‘relationship’ that requires participation on both sides of the conversation. If you tweet regularly you not only can provide information but often spark something for me to  ponder or share. Your are participant in the process.

You RT Effectively:  I once followed someone that filled my stream with  10 RTs in a row – and it was too much for me. You are not a rampant RTer but someone who is thoughtful and judicious in doing so. Its key information that you are passing on. When you RT you also source it, often leading me to someone else that I might find interesting to follow.

Thank you to those I follow. Your generosity in sharing has enriched my teaching and inspired me to participate…





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